Sunday, June 1, 2014

Why We Serve - Lead Team Update

Bridgeway has become my church home. I have been coming here since 2009. I have learned many lessons in that time. However, some of the most challenging, encouraging, and insightful lessons that I have ever learned at Bridgeway have been while serving.

Before I even agreed to become a partner with the church, I knew that I wanted to get involved in some form or another.  Since then, I have served in many different and various ways and opportunities, and I am thankful for each one of them. Each opportunity to serve in a different place allowed for more personal and spiritual growth. Each experience allowed God to speak to me, and speak through me.

While as a greeter, I learned how the impact of a smile and warm welcome can not only change a person’s day, but it can help someone that has been disconnected from God to be receptive and open to him working in their life.

While serving on the setup and tear-down teams, God used other people to speak to me in ways that I never could have dreamed. Apparently, God even works loading and unloading trailers at 5 am. Even on days when I was reluctant to go, in my exhaustion, he would show me that through setting up chairs in a high school, I was preparing a place that somebody was going to hear God’s voice for the first time in their life, and that is what matters.

While serving coffee, I realized that sometimes, that cup of Joe, can be the ice breaker to start a conversation that can change a life.
While serving with kids, even on days when you have zero patience before you walk in the door, a kid can show you what they learned about Jesus, just because you were there and gave them attention that they might not have received anywhere else.

The point is not to serve any old place just to serve or because there is a need. The point is, we need to serve so that God can help US become the person that we are each called and set apart to be.
According toJeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

We are each called to do great things, I feel it is safe to say that we have not reached up to our full potential either as a church or individually.

I know that we are called to reach 72,000 people in the Tri-County area. I know if that is the plan God has called us to, he will equip us to do it. He will prepare the way for it to happen.

However, in order to do this, he may need us to step out of our comfort zone. He may need our YES before we know exactly what we are called to do.

The great thing about Bridgeway, is that there are PLENTY of opportunities to get involved and serve. CafĂ© team, Greeting team, Parking team, Children’s ministry team, Worship team, production team, etc. The list goes on.

I hope that you noticed that each ministry is a team, that is not an accident. Nobody serves alone. When you begin to serve on a team, God begins showing you his Grace and Love both through others on the team, and through the people you are serving.

The challenge becomes not IF to serve, but WHERE? 1 Peter 4:10 says “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others”
If you do not yet know what exactly that your gifting is, then start somewhere, and see if it fits, if not, there are other ministries that might be just for you.

Rick Warren once wrote, “Anyone can be a servant. All it requires is character.” If you are not involved somewhere and you want to get involved, come by the church Saturday June 7th for our Volunteer Celebration 10am-Noon.

As a Lead Team, one way we are serving is by meeting and having conversations with a group of candidates. We are working through this list and finding the elite best options that will fit with the calling that is Bridgeway. We have several conversations scheduled over the next few days. Please be praying with us, as we seek God’s provision and wisdom.

- Jesse Pierson

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